When a chef or a member of the waiting staff doesn’t turn up for work without letting you know, this unauthorised absence is more than just an inconvenience; it’s a serious disruption to your hotel, pub or restaurant.

Whether it’s a sudden disappearance or a prolonged absence without explanation, we strongly advise that you have clear policies and procedures in place to address such situations.

If you find yourself having to address an unauthorised absence, what’s the best and correct way of dealing with it effectively?

Recognising the Severity of the Absence

Unauthorised absence is typically considered serious misconduct, often categorised as gross misconduct in employment contracts. It disrupts operations, affects team dynamics, impacts customer service, not to mention reflecting poorly on the individual’s commitment to their role.

Initial Response

When an employee fails to show up for work without valid reason or communication, the first step is to attempt to get in touch with them.

If it’s out of character this could indicate there’s something wrong. Team members may be able to shed light on the absent employee’s behaviour and circumstances.

Even so, try to reach the absent employee by phone calls, texts and emails and document these attempts as this may be required for future reference.

Exploring Reasons for the Absence

In some cases, there might be genuine reasons behind the absence, such as illness or an emergency. However, persistent absence without communication warrants disciplinary action.

Disciplinary Process

Employers should follow a progressive discipline approach, starting with informal warnings and escalating to formal written warnings if the absence continues. Each stage should involve clear communication of expectations and consequences.

Details of the disciplinary process, including the disciplinary investigation, disciplinary hearing, disciplinary outcome and disciplinary appeal (and template letters for each stage) are all available in Your HR Hub.

HR Legal Compliance

It’s essential to adhere to employment laws and contractual obligations throughout the process. Premature termination or breach of contract can lead to legal repercussions, including unfair dismissal claims.

Documentation and Communication

All interactions, warnings and decisions regarding unauthorised absences must be thoroughly documented. Transparent communication with the absent employee is crucial to ensure they understand the seriousness of the situation.

Final Steps

If attempts to resolve the absence prove futile, you may proceed with termination. Be sure to follow the correct procedures as per legal requirements. Provide appropriate notice, outstanding wages and holiday accrued.

Managing Absence

While managing unauthorised absences may seem daunting, following a systematic approach ensures fairness and compliance with regulations.

Not all absences are unauthorised. You’ll find a module in Your HR Hub that focuses on Managing Absence including lessons on:

  1. How to Deal with Short Term Sickness Absence
  2. How to Conduct a Return to Work Meeting
  3. How to Deal with Long Term Sickness Absence, including:
    1. How to Conduct a Case Management Meeting
    2. How to End Employment on Grounds of Ill Health
  4. How to Deal with Unauthorised Absence
  5. How to Deal with Mental Health Illness
  6. How to Deal with Maternity, Paternity and SHP Leave

Each lesson includes 1) a video with Frances taking you through the details of each absence situation 2) a Step Guide you can download and follow and 3) Letter Templates you can brand and amend for your specific situation.

If you’d like to talk to us about Your HR Hub or the Managing Absence Module, please send us a message or book a call or call us on 020 4534 3456.